Monday, September 10, 2007


"'Chega de Saudade' (often translated to English as No More Blues) is considered the first Bossa nova song. Composed by Antonio Carlos Jobim (music) and Vinícius de Moraes (lyrics) it became popular in the interpretation by João Gilberto (listen to excerpt). It was first recorded by Elizete Cardoso on her album Canção do Amor Demais but the public did not take notice of that release, and Gilberto's own recording, shortly afterwards as a single, made it a hit.
The title can be translated roughly as 'enough longing', though the Portuguese word saudade carries with it a far more complex meaning. The word implies an intensity of heartfelt connection that is yearned for passionately"

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Fine... I won't mess you up ONLY on the condition that we call it even...

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(Del lat. patientĭa).
1. f. Capacidad de padecer o soportar algo sin alterarse.
2. f. Capacidad para hacer cosas pesadas o minuciosas.
3. f. Facultad de saber esperar cuando algo se desea mucho.
4. f. Lentitud para hacer algo.
5. f. Resalte inferior del asiento de una silla de coro, de modo que, levantado aquel, pueda servir de apoyo a quien está de pie.
6. f. Bollo redondo y muy pequeño hecho con harina, huevo, almendra y azúcar y cocido en el horno.
7. f. Tolerancia o consentimiento en mengua del honor.

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"Quiero buscar con el ritmo de los elefantes y rinocerontes..."

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"Marisa de Azevedo Monte (born July 1, 1967 in Rio de Janeiro) is a Brazilian popular singer.
While classically trained in opera singing, she grew up surrounded by the sounds of the Portela samba school, and combines diverse influences into her music. While most of her music is in the style of modern MPB, she has also recorded traditional samba and folk tunes, as well and songs by Marvin Gaye and Lou Reed. Much of her work has been in collaboration with musicians/songwriters Carlinhos Brown, Arnaldo Antunes, and Nando Reis, and producer Arto Lindsay. She has also worked with foreign artists such as Laurie Anderson, David Byrne and Ryuichi Sakamoto."

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No fue el ritmo de los elefantes, sino tu suave cantar en portugés que me ayudó a darme cuenta: "I am human after all..."

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