Sunday, April 13, 2008

Meet Me In Montauk

-...Whenever people mention you, you tend to pop-up in strange places in my head...
-Is that a fact?
-Yes. You came to me in a dream. You said I'd tickled you...
-You mean... literaly?
-No. It was just a figure of speech.
-Why would I say something like that?
-You said you were in a tough spot in your life
-Aren't we all?
-Ellis was there... in my dream I mean
-Was she a main character?
-Not quite, but she remembered me by name
-That's odd. I wouldn't imagine she would remember anyone by name
-Well, it's a dream, remember?
-Did I say why I was in a tough spot?
-Not really. But I could eventually guess.
-Maybe I was trying to teach you that life is a series of tough spots... Maybe that's the reason Ellis was there...
-Come to think about it, you also tend to appear in my dreams whenever I get myself out of trouble.
-You should take it as a sign then. You subconscious is trying to tell you something. Maybe you ought to listen to it...
-... How come you are saying exactly what I want to hear? You have never done that.
-You know me... Popping-up in weird places in your head... Dreams and whatnot... Wake up now. It's getting late.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

uuuuuuuuy! esa AMO. eso quiere decir que tal vez además de las recomendaciones musicales también puedes hacer recomendaciones decentes de pelis? jajaja...hmmm...tengo que hacer una valoración completa, pero lo tendré en cuenta!