Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Science. Fiction. Rasmin!

Ayer me topé con uno de esos "tests" un tanto curioso. Se llama "Which Science Fiction writer are you?". El título me llamó la atención, así que decidí tomarlo sin ninguna expectativa en especial. Nomas fue pura curiosidad. No buscaba que me dijera que yo era un Isaac Asimov, o un George Orwell, o un Orson Welles y ni siquiera un Julio Verne. Así nomás tomé el test y que me sorprendo con el resultado: Ahora resulta que soy H.G. Welles

I am:
H.G. Wells
The first major literary talent to make himself at home in the science fiction field, greatly expanding its popularity.

Which science fiction writer are you?

Al ver esto, sonreí.


Eliot said...

Are you hotlinking the ghost image directly from my webserver at

You might not know this, but hotlinking is considered extremely rude. Please host the image on blogger or imageshack/photobucket, as I am paying for the hosting bandwidth on that image and getting nothing in return.


-Eliot (Owner of

Eliot said...

Oh yeah, not to mention it lets me do this. XX
Please download the original (now at
and host it elsewhere. Thanks.